How about a contest?

I see pretty awesome systems in the virtual systems section. Just look at the Done for Now and All Out Assault categories.

In this web-site are people to say this product is better than that one, or spending this much money is foolish or not spending enough is foolish. But here the rubber can never really meet the road. If you get my drift.

It would seem that with all the zeal for knowledge here, the know-it-alls, the humble, the competitive spirit, you would think that Audiogon would by now have developed a contest format, maybe even charge an entrance fee, employ a few professionals and or retired members to travel to homes to evaluate and score and submit the compiled results. There could even be different winners for different categories.

They do this type of thing in other hobbies, slot cars, shooting, etc, so why not provide an arena for the best systems.

Who would be interested in a contest?

Let the games begin!
knot2b all seriousness, I was checking out the photo gallery on for the first time in a long time. It appears that people who view the photos can rate the system on a 1-10 scale using their own personal criteria. I for ne thought it was pretty interesting...maybe we could have something like that on the Gon. Sure...we wouldn't actually get to hear the system, but based on members personal experiences with various gear, knowledge of room accoustics and just putting forth their 2c with regards to their own personal style (i.e. decorating/setup/etc) we could have something that would be interesting...maybe not quite like the stereo "shootout" that you are describing, but it could be fun none the less..and remember...

This is for entertainment purposes only!....LOL

Hi all, IMHO we already have a contest where people
get to show off their systems. It`s called:
AUDIO/VIDEO INTERIORS! Go buy that magazine.
In there you`ll find people who spend alot of money
on their rig, and have equipment that`s already
outdated by 2-3 years. Second,
I don`t have $30,000 to spend on my system just so
somebody can out do me the next month and spend
$40,000 and win. IF you want to give me your money,
then i`ll be more than happy to enter.
Until then, forget it.