Funniest sales pitch

What is the funniest sales pitch you've read? My current favorite is one I just read today. It was,"I'm selling these speakers because they are too good for me."
If those $50K speakers are "giant killers", the other speakers must literally be "Paul Bunyan" sized : ) Sean
Nope, found a new one today. Black Mountain Cable. Girl in a thong bent over with cords draped across her back. Never heard of the company, for some reason I just want to buy some... A picture really is worth a thousand words.
…The theory being the very best cables come from the bodies of the
most scantily clad women. They grow'em right outt'a their breasts and
derriers! Based on the same theory those automotive tool
manufacturers use in creating those wonderful calendars. Personally I
would not purchase a torque wrench that was not endorsed by a
beautiful naked woman. Naked women are actually the authority on
virtually all products that a man could ever want. Wann'a know the very
BEST there is? Ask a naked woman...or at least a woman in a bikini. I
wonder if there is an entire staff of scantily clad chicks behind Consumer
Reports? I really should visit their home offices!! Ever notice how when
your wife wants something from you in the ways of domestic chores,
personal gifts, favors, or general consent on some issue, that it
frequently is brought up before, during or after sex...when she is at least
partially or fully NAKED!?! They know about the other head, and the
pea-brain contained therein! Or maybe that should be "pee"-brain?

Marco, absolutely right. For example, Ellen DeGeneres prefers "Snap-on Tools."

Not certain what her significant other thinks.