Tell us compliments received on your system...

So, it is common for a non-audiophile to doubt the need for high-end gear. Describe a compliment you remember from one of these folks when they hear your set-up.

I had one a while back that was kinda fun. Fellow saw my Dyn monitors and severely doubted they produced the bass that he was hearing. I told him there was no sub on- he looked all over until he found my sub in the corner. "What's this then?" he asked. "It's not on" I said, then I went over and turned it on. The sub is real clean- now he complained it wasn't boomy enough. I thought that was quite a compliment-even tho he didn't know it. Heheh ;-)


I guess I should sell my system and by me a Bose Music Wave Radio. The truth is, most poeple who hear my system are genuninely unimpressed. Most simply say politely 'it sounds nice'. Other comments, 'I had a $100 pair of speakers that sounded as good. Again from the same person 'the $50 sat/sub stereo in the kitchen sounds better. Yet another who thought it sounded incredible said 'I am not sure if I want to spend $1000 to get this good sound though'. He was listening to a $15K system. I guess he thought $1K at Best Buy could duplicate it. I am convinced that most people cannot appreciate the depth of sound that we hear.
None of my friends care. To me it sounds so much better than anything I have had before(so far from what I think would be ideal), but my friends are indifferent. I think that says a lot. One friend referred to the Denon as a "honking big thing". Does that count?

The best compliment came from a very good friend. What started as a casual visit turned into a music session. He just couldn't believe how life-like the music sounded.

He couldn't believe when I first told him that I spent $2700 on my CDP that was several months ago. Yesterday he justified with a smile on his face.

My Boss dropped back in the chair (sweet spot) eyes wide, slack jawed and gasped "WOW, It sounds like your there LIVE"!!!. Can't ask for a better compliment then that.
Last night I played the first suite of the Bach/Starker cello suites from Mercury for my brother-in-law. About half way through it he said: I can tell exactly where he is sitting on the stage AND I hear him breathing!"

I was just going to give him a little taste, but we wound up listening for over two hours to Doc Watson, Louis Armstrong, Coleman Hawkins, Dire Straits. He didn't want to leave my listening room. In the end he said that he is convinced that no CD player regarless of cost could make the kind of music that the LP and turntable can.