Tell us compliments received on your system...

So, it is common for a non-audiophile to doubt the need for high-end gear. Describe a compliment you remember from one of these folks when they hear your set-up.

I had one a while back that was kinda fun. Fellow saw my Dyn monitors and severely doubted they produced the bass that he was hearing. I told him there was no sub on- he looked all over until he found my sub in the corner. "What's this then?" he asked. "It's not on" I said, then I went over and turned it on. The sub is real clean- now he complained it wasn't boomy enough. I thought that was quite a compliment-even tho he didn't know it. Heheh ;-)


Newbee thanks for being a replacement..I do not sell my wares on the Net..I am all about the total solution..Selling only a single element to a client and having them implement that single piece into some UFO system with horrendous acoustics is not how I want to be represented, nor the products that I choose to represent. Thanks for looking out for everyone..I am sure, with you at the watchful helm, all may feel at ease..Tom.
"I thought records were supposed to suck?" or "Where is the record noise?" (it was a dead quiet LP) The first comment was my favorite. (Again, like dirty, my friends are of the current mp3 generation andhave never heard decent vinyl playback) I also get a lot of the obligatory "it sounds like musicians are in the room" comments. I love those too.
From my girlfriend: "I really like the way it makes John Prine sound so cynical!" From a non-audiophile: "Pretty nice for such old amplifiers - I mean with tubes and everything. Does anyone still make them?"

And "Wow, I never heard 16-bit sound so good!" from a SACD-crazed new acquaintance...
A couple of friends visited our place for the first time about a month back, and after dinner, both of them got up without saying anything and started dancing in the middle of the living room!...OK, they were pretty loaded on booze, but what the heck.
Another of the missus's friends came over shortly after the arrival of the Magnepans and sat in the living room looking right at the speakers, and said:

"I hear you've bought new speakers?"
"Yes, That's right"
"when do they arrive?"
"They are hear already"
"Oh...where are they?"

Well, not really a compliment but I pissed myself anyway.
My most common responses are "...sounds good" and "Wow...there's a lot of detail", but my favorite came from a friend who, after listening for awhile said "Her voice is coming from there" pointing to my center channel speaker. When I told him that the it wasn't on he walked over and put his ear to it. He just couldn't believe it.