Tell us compliments received on your system...

So, it is common for a non-audiophile to doubt the need for high-end gear. Describe a compliment you remember from one of these folks when they hear your set-up.

I had one a while back that was kinda fun. Fellow saw my Dyn monitors and severely doubted they produced the bass that he was hearing. I told him there was no sub on- he looked all over until he found my sub in the corner. "What's this then?" he asked. "It's not on" I said, then I went over and turned it on. The sub is real clean- now he complained it wasn't boomy enough. I thought that was quite a compliment-even tho he didn't know it. Heheh ;-)


My upstairs neighbor's complaint to the management office: "He can't practice his trumpet and have his band here after 11:00 PM".
MPrime, a discussion of power cables, front end, and smooth connections with some jazz in the background work well too...
As Mel Brooks would've said -It's good to be single audiophiles ;)
Listening with my (then) six year old daughter to John Abercrombie's "Night". She turned to me (not knowing the title) and said, "Daddy, this music is really dark." Maybe an even better compliment to John Abercrombie.