Are you bored to tears with the topics lately?

I haven't read a spicy fight here on Audiogon in ages. What happened to you all?
The Da Vinci Code? You mean that dumbed-down, sanitized
P-O-S version of the master work, "Foucault's Pendulum"? Jab-jab-jab, ducking quickly to avoid the onslaught of the tenth order of the Dan Brown-lars...

Oh, and Lakefrontroad, what's with the Toshiba cardboard box tweak on your NASA-approved turntable?

C'mon, who doesn't hate me now?

May the troops all soon have desk jobs...
Give our troops the Christmas gift they deserve...bring them all home—to stay— by New Year’s.

W-ush gave up looking for Osamarossanadana long ago, he is now only interested in affixing the carcass of Michael Moore to the front of the presidential limousine.

(There, that should inspire some civilized discourse.)
Michael Moore is nothing more than an opportunist who capitalized on peoples fears with lies to make himself some money.
haven't been around much lately but still lurk now and then. the biggest problem i see with these fora (and the like comprised of "inmates") is that they're still peopled by idiots who think you can put together a world-class system by listening only to the opinions of others. it doesn't work that way. kinda' like learning to make love by reading penthouse.