Fedex or UPS?

Which is the safer bet when shipping something heavy such as an amplifier? I have never shipped such a heavy item before. Thanks
Boa, here's one of many horror stories I've had with them locally. I bought a cartridge, and the day it was delivered, I see the guy pull up front and see him headed up the drive. Just so my dogs don't go WILD, I head for the door. As I reach for the knob, I hear "thunk" against the door. Opening the door, the small box is cartwheeling across the stoop and the driver is standing 15-20 down the drive. I say to him, "Is this how you deliver your packages?" He says, "Yeah, if they're light and small", as he hops in his truck and spilts. Oh, I reported him. LUCKILY there was no damage that I could detect....
Fedex sounds better than UPS anyway,were all into audio, try it for yourself, say it out lowd, and listen to yourself, say "Fedex" then say "UPS" ups is like a low, beefy vocal, and fedex is like your fedup with something.

If you have trouble listening to yourself, have your wife say it instead, but that may be no good as well, as we dont tend to listen to them also.

You must admit, we have too mutch time on our hands, expecially me, for posting sutch nonscence.
I'm knocking on wood with my fingers crossed, but my wife and I have received probably 75-100 packages over the years, some pretty fragile, and have never had a hitch.
I happen to live in a remote, hilly area in WV: the roads are horrendous and unpassable most of the winter. Things are somewhat better in the summer but not by much. In addition, to get to where I live, one has to cross an old rickety bridge that should've been torn down long ago and rebuilt. UPS has been wonderful delivering stuff here. Fedex is never on schedule, and typically 1-2 days late, and the delivery truck driver always looks like he's p--d because he has to come here. My vote definitely goes to UPS.