Is 9'x11' too small?

I am considering using a small home office as a dedicated listening room. I could clear out the room and have it dedicated to gear only (and a chair or two and CD racks). This would allow me to acoustically treat the space (as I can't now in my listening room of the living room). The problem is (or might be) and my question to you is; the room is only 9'x11'x8', is this too small?
Rene, thanks for the idea. I'll try that in my current listening space to get an idea of what the sound may be in a nearfield condition. Yes, my current space, while larger, allows for little freedom as far as placement goes.
Hi again, I just found this great link to Ultimate AV website (Don't run away because of the V in the titel), which offers an Excel spreadsheat to calculate room modes. The sheat further calculates the frequency peaks and nulls at your listening position.

Excel calculation

All you need to do is enter your room dimensions and seating position and you get all the data you need. Nice way to play around with the seating position.

And the most interesting thing is: I took some measurements of my system/room a while ago using a corrected Radio Shack SPL meter, and I could see all the predicted "nulls" as little dips in the measured spectrum.

This is a really nice way of playing around and given my measurements it seems to work.

AND MOST IMPORTANT: Besides all this theory, don't forget to listen, your ears will tell you the best location. But the calculations might be a good starting point.


And one more comment: The article doesn't mention this but this table also
works for a speaker placement check. The speaker should NOT sit at a
postion with frequency peaks since it will be very easy to excite these room
modes. For speakers "nulls" don't matter as much I think. I just checked my
speaker placement and it is completely fine in my room.

If you need some help or have any questions, please feel free to drop me an


I recently turned a spare bedroom into a 2 channel listening room. mine was 11x10, and i love it. speaker placement makes a big difference, as will wall treatments. my room only has one window a 48"x48" and my equipment sits right in front of it.

with just the 2" blinds and no curtain i had to tow the speakers in a bit to get a good image, over the weekend i went to the fabric store and bought some "home decor" fabric, fairly thick, and put up my own curtains. this alone absorbed some of the sound, for the better. i had to set my speakers facing forward, no tow, to get the image back, but it seems better than it did before.

my speakers are about 27" from the back wall and 18" from the side walls. and i sit about 12" from the back wall.

next on my list is to build some DIY diffusor/absorbers to hand on the side walls in the reflection points (mirror trick)

with all that said, i love the sound of the room