Could my A-gon brothers please....

suggest a suitable indoor antenna for the Marantz 10b tuner? Many Thanks!
Hello Swampwalker, the antenna would have to be confined to the living area, at least for now. The WAF is not a critical factor, and neither is cost (within reason, of course). Best!
Magnum Dynalab makes a pretty expensive indoor antenna and a tuning box; check their web site. They also have the ST-2 which is an omni-directional whip.
Go to They're a respected antenna company. Their website contains all manner of antennae with pictures and specs. I use the AF-1,also known as the AM/FM Q. It's about fifty bucks, six inches square, amplified, tunable, and sits on my rack right beside the tuner. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think it looks way cool. If you need, something more substantial due to your location or building construction, they have other items you can put in your attic or on a wall. I don't have a local dealer so I bought mine mail order at J&R in New York City. Their site is if you're interested.