Apple or PC?

I am in the market for a notebook computer to use for University. I will be using it for research, writing papers (word/excel), sometimes taking notes in class, music, some photo editing, the odd DVD on trips, and internet surfing. It must be around a 12" and under 5 pounds with good battery life. I have been reading and it's my understanding mac OS X is a more stable operating system and that it is more secure from spy-ware and virusus. They also have 128Bit enscryption I hear as well. The powerbook 12" model looks perfect for my needs but my buddy who is a computer guru says macs are only good for photo editing and I will run into compatibility issues with the mac becasue they dont use a system registry or something like that. What should I do?
Mac. I use the Powerbook 12 inch. It is 100% reliable. I also have Dells in my home and at work as well.

Just get Microsoft Office, Apple Extreme, max the memory and get an 80GB hard drive. Rockin

And I tunes is pretty cool too.
Until apple lowers there prices on desktops and laptops. the pc is the best buy and most compatible with all aftermarket products and 90% of the marketshare. microsoft xp and windows xp are by far the most used. if you buy a laptop make sure you get the largest harddrive you can afford and a all in one dual dvd-cd burner combo drive.

Aida...nice car analogy!...let me take it a step further as it was explained to me by a computer guru friend in Seattle.

Apple -

BMW made with all BMW parts

Inexpensive PC Clones -

(Especilly when you have a cheap ass computer savvy friend offer to "build" you a pc using parts from is really nothing more than a Hyundai with a rebuilt Ford Escort engine shoehorned in alongside the also rebuilt Chevy Astrovan transmission.
I have a 12" Powerbook with the superdrive and an 80 gig hard drive. I also upgraded the memory. I have Microsoft Office. I use it for everything from writting orders for work to IPhoto and Itunes. When I travel I can watch movies on the DVD player which is a nice bonus. With Microsoft Office I can create and receive Excel and Word documents from any computer. I also have a G5 with a very cool 20" flatscreen at work. We have a dell at home and there are always issues, it is never smooth. I can't think of a better laptop. Yes, they do cost a little more but what you get back in terms of ease of operation is priceless. Just one mac users opinion!
A recent article in Macworld indicated that there have been more than ~160,000 viruses written for Windows and only ~60-70 for Macs. I use both platforms at work, but I highly prefer OSX because of its stability.