Can we list the better labels? Chesky? Telarc?

We all know that there is a lot of difference in the quality of recordings. For example, I've always found that Chesky and Telarc were "better" or more "true" labels. Bluenote seems mixed to me. What say you? Can we develop a list of some of the best music labels (and maybe some of the ones to avoid).
When I bought my Thiel speakers, they sent a couple of demo discs from "Pope Music." The recording quality was very nice.
For excellent performances, sonics, and concepts, these two are in a class of their own:


Alia Vox

Also very good are: Naive/Opus111, ECM, Ambroise, Glossa, Dorian (now defunct, sadly), Pneuma, Channel Classics
FIM -First Impressions Music. Check out web site @ Excellent recordings, first recommended to me by a friend. I just bought "Favorite Chinese Instrumentals" Simply amazing recording, almost eerie.