Best Budget system? $500-$750 tops

Partially out of curiousity and partially because I am pondering this myself for a second set-up, can a moderately musical system be set-up for $500-$750???


(cabling, stands etc. would be above and beyond)

Here's my submission:

I first heard a pair of Kirksaeter Silverline 60's at a local dealer and was impressed for their size and price, they were also modestly paired with a Pioneer Elite A35r integrated amp and multi-disc CDP (forget model). There retail price is $850, however I've seen them go on here for more like $300. So...

CDP - Pioneer Elite DV-45a $240
Integrated - Pioneer Elite A-35r $165
Speaker - Kirkseater Silverline 60 $300

Total - $705

How musical that system is is questionable, but for the price I beleive it would be musically tolerable. In my case the system would be background and entertaining only, so I think it would perform pretty well in those functions.

So, what's your BUDGET system look like?
I also bought a pair of the AS-B1's. Even at the price, I have to say I am disappointed in the sound.

My first quick impression was decent highs and lows, but was it missing something in the midrange? I had been using them for a week as low background in another room.

When I finally got around to comparing them side by side to my B&W DM302 ($250 retail), I quickly realized that the B&Ws sounded very balanced, and are in fact, an extremely good sounding economy speaker. The Athenas, in direct A-B comparison, sounded kind of nasal, honky and hollow.

Just my 2 cents. I wanted to like them, I had read the modest hype and they seemed to be finished nicely for the price and had nice big metal binding posts....but

(On the other hand, if you find they work well with your electronics, my pair is available. There are 3 pair currently on Agon, I'll make you an even better deal!)
Srbarnett, I felt much the same way, even though I only listened to them in BestBuy, I figured even a better set-up couldn't help these speakers. A totally unengaging sound IMO. I am enjoying the Sharp (arrived yesterday) though. I currently have it set up with my Aperion 522's, stolen from rear channel duty in the HT temporarily. I think I am going to try a pair of Totem Acoustic Dreamcatchers with it next.
Source first.
$325 EVS Millennium DAC 1
$75 some digital IC
$50 some transport, like my Marantz which was $50 used.
$50 used IC
$100 used headphone amp or DIY
$100 Grado SR 80 headphones
$75 Walker SST (a must!)
$2 commercial grade outlet
ca. $700

or with vinyl ...
$300 Music Hall MMF-2.1
$20 Dayton black chrome spikes (to defeat the music halls suspension)
$125 Hagerman Bugle RIAA battery powered
$100 used headphone amp or DIY
$50 IC
$100 Grado SR 80 headphones
$75 Walker SST (a must!)
$2 commercial grade outlet
ca. $700, less if you get these at a good price.

For non-headphones

$400 MG-0.5/QR or MMG used (or maybe Vandersteen 1C, 1B, 2Ci)
$80 Panasonic XR-25 (store demo)
$80 Whatever CD/DVD transport, probably Panasonic

But truth be told, I would just watch thrift stores, garage sales, and eBay and score some vintage gear.

Or maybe do some DIY fostex bookshelf speakers and get something like those $200 ASL wave-8s or wave-20s and something directly into the amps, like a PC, CD discman, mp3 player - everyone has something like that laying around somewhere.

The problem with this budget is how to you do SET amps at this price? You can't afford the IRON!