Your "DREAM" piece

If you could replace one component in your present system with a "dream" piece, regardless of price, that would be synergistic with your other components, what would you choose? Remember, don't pick a piece that you could not use with the rest of your other components, such as a SET amp because your speakers are not efficent enough or a pair of speakers that your present electronics could not drive to an optimum level because of not enough watts/current. My "dream" piece would be to replace my Pass Labs X-350.5 with the Pass Labs X/A-200 mono-block amps. It would "only" cost about another 20 grand, but this thread is a fantasy anyways, right! Hope just for fun you GON members will share your "dream" pieces with the rest of us. Thanks.
Mark Levinson 30.5 and 31.5 CD playback system or CEC TL0 or BOTH.I would like them delivered with Beyonce .She needs be wearing a funky pair of pink high heels and a pink cowboy hat.THAT'S IT Nothing else on.I want her to stick around for a fun night of listening!!!!!!!!!!!
Do I ask for a lot?
PS I don't mind if it takes place on a week night I will take the next day off work.
replace my GNSC statement modified Wadia 861 se with the GNSC statement modified Wadia 270 se and statement modified Wadia 27ix combination clocklinked together with those $4500 AT&T glass cables I read about here can't remember their name oh and elrod statement 2 power cords for them and sitting on critical mass platforms.
I'd say a Blue Circle AG8000 but that's against the rules since my preamp isn't let's go with any Blue Circle 200-series hybrid amp. I won't be picky. I bet that would be pretty cool.

Nrchy man, good taste in turntables eh ;)
In my mind a "DREAM" piece would be "Pamela Anderson" this would be the most synergistic addition to my, er...system!

"To have all original FZ albums".

My friend has ever last FZ record ever released. all of 'em! At last count over 80 records! I'm humbled with my 30 or so FZ records.