How do I go backwards?

I need the help of those people who have cut back on their systems. Due to the deep financial problems my health has created I need to sell off my system, either fully or partially. My system is a Sony SCD-1 (modified) front end, an Aesthetix Calypso pre-amp, two Plinius SA-102 amps bi-amped vertically, Dunlavy IVa speakers and all Nordost Valhalla cabling. My initial feeling is that the front end and speakers have the least value, in that Dunlavy is out of business and the Sony is modified. The cabling is by far the most out of line cost wise for the system I have so I’m looking at them first. So my first question is for people who have tried or sold their Valhalla cables for something substantially cheaper without loosing the detail, speed and transparency. Please speak from experience and what you felt was lost by going “backwards.” Secondly I’m going to need to sell one of the Plinius amps, and possibly both and replace with ????
My biggest concern is my system is so good and soooo musical I’m afraid stepping backward will result in a system that will no longer be enjoyable, and thus my love for recorded music will be lost. I hate to think of no music, but I know if my system looses too much, I’ll simply quit listening. I hope to avoid that.
Please share your experiences and your opinions on how to cut back.
Thank you
Really sorry to hear of your situation. I'm not sure I can suggest much, but I did want to offer my condolences.

For the cabling if you can make (or have a friend make) the DIY interconnects on Chris Venhaus' web site I would guess it will cost under $100 total, and might even beat the nordost stuff.

For speaker cables I don't have a good suggestion .. sorry. I'm just using home-brew PTFE insulated copper 14 guage twisted and it sounds pretty decent to me.

On the amp side if you ever see a used Densen DM10 then I think it's a real sleeper and hugely undervalued on the used market, and it can deliver a lot of current.
I don't know how much you can get around or how many pre-1983 lps(not cds) you have, but might I suggest that a belt-driven turntable with those lps might satisfy that musical craving(or emotional release) that only music can provide?
I thought it would be good to let those who care know what has happened over the past weeks. I have been able to sell off four sets of Nordost Valhalla interconnects, one pair of Valhalla speaker cable, three sets of NBS power cords, Great Northern Sounds PASI, two sets of Aurios Pro bearings, Black Diamond shelf and five sets of cones, one pair of Walker High definition links, and some tubes and other stuff. I am hoping to finalize a sale on the Plinius SA-102 amp soon.

In the last discussion, I had shared the consequences of removing the original Shunyata Research Hydra power conditioner and its Anaconda vX. It turned out that after discussing the result of removing these two items the buyer allowed me to back out. I can not explain well enough how well the Hydra works with my Sony SCD-1 and how much I lost without it.

So today I have the Sony SCD-1 with mods, Aesthetix Calypso pre-amp, one Plinius SA-102 amp and Dunlavy IVa speakers. I still am using Nordost Valhalla speaker cables, an Elrod EPS-2 power cord on the pre-amp and NBS Statement power cord on the amp. I ended up trading one pair of the Valhalla interconnects for an Electraglide Em power cord on the SCD-1. Thanks to Jafox I have interconnects (NBS Statement, older model) which pair up with my system very well. (I used NBS Statement before the Valhalla) Beyond that, thanks to Lugnut I have a phone stage and I can play around with my 30 years old Empire turntable. The net result is I paid off my latest hospital bill and a portion of my massive debt I carry. YEA!!!

The best part is the musicality remains. (With the Hydra back) Yes some of the dynamics, some slam, some of the highly detailed soundstage suffered, a small amount of inner detail is missing…. But the NBS did add some body to the sound. In the final wash it’s still very wonderful, and the cost vs. benefit is strongly revealed. I still love my system, so for today phase one is complete and I got some $16,000 out of my system. I do have one more move, but it’s a surprise that I will reveal in a later review!

Best of all, I have discovered the greatest thing I could hope to find. Friends, love, compassion and empathy that is running ramped in the Audiogon community. To all who have been in contact with me either as a friend or a buyer (and most both) THANK-YOU! It is the Audiogon community that has turned what was a very sad process into one of the best months I’ve had in years. SOOOOO many great friends! Thank you all for your sincere empathy and shared love. This site does have the greatest people in the world.

I now have a very wonderful friend in Japan, another in New Zealand and quite a few in the US/Canada. Thank you Audiogoners, I have incredible faith in our society. I am in complete awe of how great people are, and yet one guy ripped me off for $1000. I am sad for his soul, he clearly is lost. He is one sad man contrasting an entire world who is lost, what a great world we have. The difference between Audiogon and the Terrorists who are so angry in the world is staggering. I pray the great people here can continue to share the love and compassion I have seen, and maybe some how the angry few can have a taste of what we have.


JD, we get what we give, and you've given much to the Audiogon community. Thanks.

I hope that you take my response about pre-1983 albums seriously, as pre-digital will change brain waves(which is why we listen to music).