shunyata hydra 2 vs. ps audio ultimate outlet

i would greatly appreciate your comments regarding the following power conditioners. i will be using one for a pair of velodyne dd-12 subwoofers:
1. ps audio ultimate outlet high current
2. ps audio upc-200
3. shunyata hydra 2
let me know which is your favorite under $500 too. thanks!!!
Call me crazy, but I can't see where you will hear much difference between the Hydra 2 and PS Audio UO when used strictly in the low frequency spectrum of the subwoofers. I'd suggest using the PS Audio UO strictly from a lower cost point of view.
thanks guys! i can get either a hydra 2 or uohc for a bit over $300 new. currently i am pretty much sold on the hydra 2.
I'm curious about the Hydra and PS Audio UO as well, along with the Chang Lightspeed, for my own two systems--integrated tube and SS amps, Sonus Faber speakers, redbook CD players, various power cords. Aren't these power conditioners all about the same price retail? How might you compare their performances?