Best isolation device

I am currently running a tube pre and solid state amp. I am trying to decide on a set of feet to set them on. The problem is that I have a glass and steel belo rack. Wife. I am not sure I will have enough clearance for a platform as well the cones. I have considered black diamond and mapleshade. I just want something that will work on glass. Thanks for the help.
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Here are a few to consider/research, Polycrystal cones inverted, Ceraballs, Feet of Silence, Aurios, Darumas.
I fear that the glass shelves should be adressed first.Any chance of getting custom wood shelves made to fit the rack?
Having said that,I prefer brass feet-Star Sound,Mapleshade,Walker and assorted machinists here at AudioGon.
I agree that those glass shelves must go!!! Glass sounds awful due to significant resonance glare issues; same problem with those glass front doors on equipment racks.
As anticipated, the glass shelves have turned the stomachs and raised the hairs of my fellow agonr's. Should I threaten my wife with divorce? Without the shelves, what is best? Thanks for the great input.