It's not the sound I want!

My system consists of a Krell kav300i, Aeriel Acoustic 6s and AdcomGCD750. I have Cardas cables , Jenalabs interconnects and Synergistic Research ac chords. It sound great at times but I find many cds hard to listen to. I listen to vocals with acoustic guitar and the guitar sounds detailed but so metalic and unnatural. It sounds like sombody is playing a saw with a bow. Is this what digital really sounds like? Is it sytem matching? I dont think it is the speakers. Is it just a matter of settling for the best we can get for $8000.00 and limiting what we listen to?
I hate to jump on the band wagon...but the Adcom is not the best choice. I would also say that the Krell, in my opinion, is not a very good amp either. Hyped, yes, but it's performance leaves much to be desired. I know that an integrated helps shorten the chain and lessens cost, but how about selling both the Krell and the Adcom and use the funds along with a bit extra(less than adding a DAC to the Adcom), and look for a good quality neutral amplifier and find a used Wadia 830 (former class A component, recently discontinued) and going direct connect, using the variable out of the Wadia for pre-amp functions,if you are a single source person. There are a number of reasonably priced used amps out there by CJ, ARC, Pass, ETC. that would make your promising system really sing!
I would go along with most of the previous advice about the CD player, most people who go on and on about digital sorces have never heard a good CD player. I would recommend you audition a CAL Labs. If you have the bucks check out the 15 or 20, the 20 is expensive, but is also a great DVD Player. If money is an issue, try to pick up a older Cal Icon Power Boss used. I would take issue with the previous advisor and advise that before you 86 the Krell 300i, wait till you play a good CD player through your system as it now configured. I use a CAL 20 thru a Krell 300i as kinda a second system and it soulds great with several different speakers I have tried (Soliloquy, Magnepan) I do also have some B&W speakers and the Krell can sound a little bright thru them.(Remember the 300i is also a Stereophile class A rated unit) It just may not be the amp for the speakers you are using or the speakers you are using may not be suited for the Krell. I have no experience with Areiel's. Bottom line, get a good CD player, and if that does not float your boat, then it may come down to getting a new amp for your speakers or getting new speakers for your amp.
After all the advice you've gotten, most of which sounds right to me, I'd just add: look for a used Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 one-piece CD player. It has a tubed output stage, and impressed the Stereophile people, including Atkinson, before it got more or less forgotten as other "flavors of the month" came along. And it's a lot cheaper than a Wadia 830 on the used market. Of course if you can afford the Wadia, few would deny that it would be a better choice.
Tom is right about SFCD-1 among the best CD players made. However, i wouldn't recommend this player as good match for Krell 300. Even though that SF is tubed, it isn't, what most of us would expect from tubed electronics: "lush" "sweet" "harmonicaly rich...etc". SFCD-1 can be harsh if "hooked" to the wrong "stuff". Krell will also sound overly "analytical" if source is wrong. I would have to agree, with above mentioned Meridian the latest version.
Before doing anythig rash, try to borrow a P.S. Audio Powerstation (for your front end), put your CD player on three sorbothan feet, and about eight black diamond racing cones on top of your Adcom (do the same for your amp if you can go the $$$). I think your rig is basically sound. Ken