Best audio mag

What magazine do you like best and why.
Stereophile, and TAS second. But Sphl isn't as good as it was from '95 to '99. I like the reviews and especially the industry reports, and I love to read Michael Fremer's "Analog Corner".
Yea Carl,I love analog corner also but I think he gets a little carried and overly enthusiastic on some of the stuff he recommends.An example is the Lehmann Black Cube.I had one for over a year and it was good but the Musical Fidelity X-LP was as good.I had one of those before the Cube.Lots of politics in Stereophile.
If you're really into music,not just hi-fi per se,TAS is the only choice. Well written articles on a variety of subjects,and the record reviews alone are worth the subscription price. What good is great sounding stereo gear without great sounding recordings? Yeah,they're opinionated,but if you read it with an open mind,I guarantee you'll learn something,and not just about equipment.The new format is fabulous,too-go for it.
Stereophile has lost alot of it good (not to serious) writers over time, Corey Greenberg, Rob Harely, Jack English, Wes Philips. They were fun to read. Now they have J-10 as the main man. Does anyone understand let alone belive any thing he says. Lately my vote woul go to Listener Mag, very entertaining. TAS has also improved lately