Hi Fi Car Audio

Can anyone help me, I'm looking for a Hi Fi Car audio web site, information on Hi Fi Car audio, and or suggestions to improve the sound. thank you
The Eclipse products from Fujitsu Ten are probably the best car audio products in the world (both sonically and build quality)! Look under Fujitsu Ten on the web and you'll be able to link up with the Eclipse products. This is audiophile for the car, however it doesn't hold a candle to home audio for obvious reasons. But, if you want the very best for car applications short of installing home gear, Eclipse is it. I run a DDL/GFO system from Eclipse and it is still the best!
Some of you guys are nuts! I've got a $30,000.00 home system and still love my $5000.00 car system! If done right, the car system can offer dynamics that are almost impossible to recreate at home. There's nothing like getting in the car and blowing your head off! I'm not talking about huge boomy bass either. Check out Boston Pro Series seperates and subs. Very expensive, but well worth the price. Also, check out ADS power amps and Sony ES mobile audio. Again, expensive but well worth it. I would love to pit my car system against some of your home systems out there. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be much contest, as many of the snobby home guys with their 5 watt tube amps, would find out what live music really sounds like! Hey Inluiv307, been to a rock concert recently? Grow up!
I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about Gallusm. "been to a rock concert recently? Grow up!" For starters any rock concert that I've been to sounds like utter crap and if you call what you hear at a rock concert dynamics I think that you are confused. And if you can honestly say that your $30,000 system does not sound as dymanic as your $5,000 car audio system then something is extremely worng with your home system. I do think that all the Boston stuff that I've heard sounds good for being in the car and I'll look in to the Sony Es and ADS power amps and thank you every one for your response they have helped me. I'm currently running two Soundstream amps and a Pheonix Gold amp. As for the Fujitsu Ten stuff I think that I've heard better but who's to say until you get it in your car and listen, because everyones ears are different and everyone's cars are different. Thanks again.
Maybe dynamics was the wrong description. I didn't say my car system sounded better than my home system. My listening room is 20" x 20" and my car cabin is much smaller. I can generate much higher spl's in my car than I can at home and at a much lower cost. The home system is more detailed without question and also plays very loud, which I sometimes like. When I get in the car I like to crank it up and enjoy. I know it won't offer what my home system will, but it sounds very good with a reasonable amount of detail which is good enough in the car. It will however play very very loud with huge low end and without any hint of strain. Sometimes this can be very enjoyable. Being a musician for almost 20 years I know that rock concerts don't always sound the greatest. So why do we go? Well, it offers a sense of excitement and high spl's which are hard to recreate in the home. No, I'm not just about loud, but sometimes it's fun and that's where the car comes in. I like to have vocals in my face and bass that goes through my chest at times. Recently I was asked to attend a Metallica concert.(no I didn't build a $30,000 home system to play Metallica, although it will in spades). No, I'm not even a big fan of their music, but my friend convinced me to go. At about twenty rows from the stage, let me tell you it was not only emotional but the most powerful concerts I have seen in the sense of sheer power, which can definitely move you in more ways than one. I wouldn't say the sound was crap either, but it was loud! Anyway, my point is don't bash different musical interests(car audio), as you would't want people to criticize what your into. Maybe I got carried away the first time around in my response.
Gallusm, I bet why you can't tell that much diffrence between your car and your home system is you have been listening to loud in the car and have been to, to many loud rock shows and have lost much of your hearing. Every time you listen loud for an extended period of time over 90db you do irreprable damage to your hearing.