Horrific Confession and Question

While shopping for classical music in one of the mega retailers recently, I found myself quite carried away by whatever they were playing, finding the selection as well as the sound very pleasing. At the risk of never being allowed to post on this forum again, I am ashamed to admit that I discovered I was listening to BOSE mini speakers which were sticking out haphazardly from the ceiling. This leads me to wonder if background listening presents totally different challenges than focused, attentive listening. Against my audiophile background and judgement, I am wondering if I should install boomier "mid-fi" gear for multi room and entertaining guests when I renovate the house. Any thoughts?
Bottom line is that GOOD music is enjoyable almost anywhere. EVEN on a less than stellar system. After all, i always thought that we bought the gear to listen to the music, not the other way around : ) Sean >
Not sure why but the other side of the post is what I'm responding to. Lots of my purchases are stuff I've heard demoed while brousing.Sometimes for gear;sometimes for software.Good music is just good music ,so when I'm in the mood to let go a few bucks,I'm more receptive. AS far as finding that street in the dark-that's what I got married for.
From my experience, unless your guests are visiting with the purpose of listening to music it really does not matter what you are playing background music on. Over the last year or so I have put together a pretty expensive, great sounding two channel system that my wife and I enjoy almost daily. When we got visitors for the holidays, they were not too excited about sitting around and listening to it with us. It ended up being played at very low volumes (for our taste) and we just as well could have been playing a boom box from a discount store. Guests like to talk to each other, dance, eat or whatever. Unless you are entertaining a very small group of audiophiles or have correct seating for a lot of people I think background music could be played on just about anything. Unless your friends and family are diferent than ours, most won't even notice.
I think there is a huge allure to background music. I will never have a dedicated sound room because I use my system so much while doing other activities and pefer it in my living room. I use it when Im cooking, cleaning, drawing, or on the computer. I think the higher end system is always more enjoyable in any situation but agree it isnt as important while doing other things.
Bose delivers what the typical mass-market music listener desires, and that is mids, mid-bass, and more mids. They give the fans of popular music room filling mids and the chance to appreciate all the meaningful lyrics found on the pop charts [:(]. In the world of non-critical listening, it seems to me, many want to hear primarily vocals and mid-bass boom, and when that is heard easily and clearly they like it and say, "wow, aren't those Bose speakers something?" And, as a critical listener, you might be inclined to hold your nose and reply, "yes, they really are." [:)] This type speaker design fills the room with quantity, not quality, sounds. Perfect for shopping and I bet it would do well for your party background music as there is no "sweet spot," and can be done inexpensively. In comparison, I tried to design an ambient sound system in my veterinary clinic that would be high quality. In my waiting room I use PSB Alpha A/V's mounted up high like you see the Bose in a Gap. Unfortunately, you cannot hear music well [?] out of the PSB's when the volume is at an appropriately low level for a waiting room. (It sounds pretty good after hours, though.) As the goal is to provide some distraction with “background music” while waiting, I will probably change the waiting room speakers to something like a Bose. [:(] Yes, Bose is poo poo as far as critical listening goes, but it does what it does. This particular design is also beneficial for folks with certain types of hearing loss, so if you, out there, don’t take care of your ears, Bose might just be your label one day. Now, there's a thought! Take care, Charlie.