Sellers Obligation To Respond

For the second time in a week, I have had sellers not respond to my offers. Listing items for sale is a right that comes with obligations. By the very nature of this forum, and others, there will be more lookers than buyers. That's how it is in the real world as well. At a minimum sellers need to respond to e-mail inquiries. They don't need to answerer at length. But common courtesy dictates that, at a minimum, an acknowledgement of some kind be provided; a "yes", "no", "sold”,” if after I answer all your questions, are you prepared to buy". This is an e-mail based forum, so responding in e-mail is the correct method. If people are not prepared to respond to e-mails (buyers too) don't use this forum. Harsh but frustrating.
I agree with you folks. Wierdos come in buyers and sellers form I guess. Since we're sharing seller's horrors stories, here's mine. I put an for sale ad for a 1998 forest green toyota 4 runner. Soon after, I recieved 3 calls from potential buyers. After taking time off of work to show these idiots the car, they all said the didn't like the color and they were all looking for something lighter like silver or white. For god sake, I posted my ad saying that the color is green. The funny thing is that I also included some pictures. I can't believe share the earth with so many morons.
OK,I need to get a life,as this is my third contribution.I didn't think 'my' problems were so commonplace.Just wanted to say,when you inform these folk the ans. to their questions are within the ad /what color/finish,how old/how much, they get hostile, repeatedly.Yup,one guy asked 4 questions;3 of them contained within the ad.Are the same 3 people responding to everybody's ad?? What web sight does one look up,seeking a life??
hey George! You know sometimes people go out of town or their email server is down (like ours is tonite) or life just gets in the way - something unexpected happens. We had some tubes that never came and found out the sellers were in a terrible car accident. They shipped them as soon as they got out of the hospital (we told them not to worry, but they came through anyway) Sometimes it may be so simple as these things and not a flakey seller. Just things to pack away and be aware of before assuming the worst.