Keeping cables off the floor

Does keeping interconnects and speaker cables off the floor make sense? What differences would you expect in a high resolution system ? What would you use to separate them from the floor? What 's the idea behind this tweak? Suggestions are eagerly awaited....
glad to hear a couple of left coasters amit that this whole thread is yet another example of californication. why not just buy the audio purist connections, drain the liquid and fill with helium? hyrogen-filled weather ballons might also work to haul your cables off the floor, tho there might be an associated acoustic problem, not to mention your inability to find your listening chair or, worse, the so-called "graf zeppelin potential."
HEY! I just had a brainstorm! This hasnt been mentioned.Plays the IC's or cables om a Vibrapod thats on top of a painted half brick.Or you cold wrap the brick in a thin rubber material or even sorbothane with a pod on top.
We carried out some prototype trials using 2" uPVC pipe with cables suspended in the center. The results were quite interesting. The project was aimed at a commercial application but we are not going to "run" with it so it would suit those who have the time to make something similar at home. If anyone would like details please feel free to email me at
PVC pipe is a static electricity generator, just run your hands along a length and you can pick up a charge. When used in a sawdust collection system, it has to be grounded along its entire length to prevent sparking as the dust moves along and the subsequent explosions of the dust that can ruin your whole day. While short pieces are undoubtedly safe, if you buy into this suspension thing which, if true, must depend upon the interaction of sub-atomic particles at the quantum level, any potential static field could ruin the effect. Comments? Mr. Heisenberg? .... Anybody?