Buying "Sound Unheard"

I find myself in a quandry. As much as I know (and recommend) that "audition, audition, audition before purchasing" is the best means to system matching and "audio fulfillment," I find myself doing somewhat the opposite and purchasing quality equipment based on reviews and more importantly, the opinions of peers. Luckily, in my last three purchases (phono stage, cartridge, and now line stage) I've been fortunate in that they've been major boosts to my system. Living where I do, there just isn't access to the brands I'm interested in, plus my schedule is unforgiving. I'm curious as to how many others find themselves in this position, and the resources they use to get around it (including the obvious one - this web site!). As many threads as I see inquiring as to the characteristics of this-and-that, I would suspect that many of "us," especially those in rural or semi-rural areas are in this position. Just Curious. -John
I'm with metaphysics. Audiogon makes it possible to indulge my audiophile urges by living with a wider range of reputable products than I ever could if I had to buy everything new. A wider range than I could have ever imagined just a few years ago. So it's all continuing education rather than long-term commitment. And there are many great dealers who will let you try things out at home, for the stuff you want or need to buy new (somebody has to buy new, after all). Speakers are tough, though.
For more than 20 years I lived in the mountains of southern Oregon. Curcumstances dictated that I buy equipment on faith. BIG MISTAKE! Have you ever heard an AMC amp? Don't fall for the sales fluff like I did. Take my advice and listen before you buy or buy from a source you can rely on.
Hi John; for me, the internet has changed everything. Like some of those above, I now do most of my buying through the various audio gear listing services-- mostly Audiogon. The inet also allows for a great deal of research of products prior to purchase. I've also found some good high end stores that will do mail order, some are listed above, and I also like in Ohio, and in Iowa. I live on a remote part of the Oregon coast. Cheers. Craig.
Audio Advisor also has 30 day return policy that I have used before without any hassles. I once ordered a speaker from another dealer however who conveniently omitted telling me that it was not the current model. When I received the package I called to complain. The skunk pretended he didn't know but also refused to accept a return under any circumstance. Luckily I got them for a decent price and liked the sound. I ended up keeping them for several years so it turned out ok. Lesson learned,don't assume anything unless you ask!
I used to buy almost all my stuff blindly, based on what i read and heard. It was kind of hit or miss that way, but for me that was fine as this was buying stuff that cost at mosta few hundred bucks, and was easily returnable or re-sale-able.

I have now graduated to the, IMO, stratospheric level of paying many thousands of dollars for some of the gear I buy, and ever since I got to that level, I have arranged to hear anything before I buy it. Just had too many bad experiences in the low price class.