Best audio racks

I am planning on buying some new audio racks, but most of this stuff is fairly plain looking to me. Does anybody have some cool manufacturers websites to share where I can find some racks that are a bit more exotic?
please search the forums on "racks". This subject has been covered a few times and you may find some additional ideas.
settle down, drubin, I was not directing my comment to you personally. I was offering help to Arcmania that started this thread. There has been much advice and experience offered in other threads regarding Racks, in general.
Check out Billy Bags website. I just bought a standard B B rack-filled it with sand and it works great.If you got the spare change B B will build a custom rack to your specs in a variety of designs and materials.
Wow, both RixRax and Particular are amazing.Especially RixRax lovely "Sonata" model with a strong Japanese influence. Speaking of Japanese, Dekay, a Tansu cabinet is a wonderful tradition where a tree is planted when a daughter is born and harvested to create the cabinet upon the announcement of her wedding to hold the Japanese equivalent of a "trouseau". As I have three high maintenance daughters, I will be using the wood to build three ladders.