New Stereophile recommended list

STEREOPHILE says it will disclose the reason why a component is deleted from the recommended list, but last year Class B Musical Fidelity A3 CDP disapears on this issue without any mention. Is it a political(fund raising?) kind of move?
And why was Triangle Antal rated in "FULL RANGE" category, when according to factory sheet their Frq. range is 50hz??
What do you expect from a "commercial" type mag. There is a reason the "old pro's" that used to write for them are no longer there. Even the arrongant former writers at least could justify their attitude (ever go to the Stereophile show in NYC?) The Aboslute Sound might be stuffy, but at least they still hae a soul. By the way, Listener is like watching rugrats with your kids, I smile when I read it but so what (Clara Peller where's the beef?.

Good Luck!
Let's face it...all too many of the listed items in the "guide" got to be where they're at, or weren't at, as a result of way too many schmooze dinners, gifts, and favors of sorts!...or lack there of in the case of a deletion or demotion!!! Money talks baby!