If you knew then, what you know now...

WHAT would you have done differently in your path to "audio nirvana" ??? Given that most of us have spent WAY more than we realized until just recently : ) this might be a good way to help others out. They might be able to learn from our mistakes without having to spend as much money to get where we are at today. Sean
My most painful lesson in retrospect: I had an absolutely wonderful synergy with some older Luxman equipment which is of course no longer available. I knew that it would eventually fail one day, & so I tried to collect all of the manuals, parts lists, schematics etc. in advance preparation for that fateful event.
When the amp failed after 14 years service I thought that I was prepared - wrong! The 79 cent driver parts that I need can no longer be found anywhere in the world. I considered trying some equivelant semi's, but was told (by a respected authority who absolutely knows his stuff) that it won't sound the same. I've spent megabucks on other components since then, but cannot come close to achieving that synergy with anything else that I've tried. It would have been way cheaper to buy myself a spare/duplicate setup of that Luxman when it was still available. I had considered doing just that many times, but I didn't & now I'm still kicking myself.
What I really know now after moving 9 years ago into my present environment is how very very important a good room is. Components aside, the room can be the most important component in making even a modest system magical. It is going to be my next major upgrade.
If I knew what I know now back in the day I would rather get into herion. It is also a conversation starter when someone asks "what are you up to?" you can reply with "shooting herion" which always gets a better response then I am into high end stereo, try it some time. But really I would buy everything used if I could do things again.
if i had to do it all over again, i'd be born rich, living my life as a trust fund baby and ignoring the hoi poloi on this most pedestrian of audio sites; should I, quite unlikely, find it amusing to listen in on your rf static, i'd have my secretary input all my putdowns. in other words, i'd have the best b&o system my unearned income could buy.
I wouldn't ever read another internet news group about anything audio related. I'd go into the local radio shack, buy their best middle of the road gear, and never ever find out how good music really can sound. I'd save thousands, have more time to do other things, and never have to see or hear the word "upgrade" ever again. My car radio would still sound good to me, I could re-arrange my furniture at will, and the muzak at work probably wouldn't threaten my sanity (hey, I could probably even sing along with the tunes played when some company puts me on hold on the phone).

And life would have been much diminished.
