Time for spring cleaning

Well, spring has arrived and I must confess that I have a lot of "stuff" that I should part with. You know, that old gear that's just laying around. From who knows when. Such as.....Technics SE9600 amp/SH8065EQ, Kenwood KA801 int amp/KT815 tuner, Yamaha A1000 int, (2) NHT SW2 subs, DBX 1BX-ds/3BX-ds, ADC Sound Shaper 20 eq, Numark EQ2500 eq. And of course this doesn't include the "stuff" on loan to family and friends. (that I really don't want back). So lets fess up folks. What have you got collecting dust? Please don't tell me I'm the only one with the "audio pack rat" habit!
We have a Marantz tuner (not vintage), a three channel Yamaha amp/pro-logic processor, and a pair of Audio Research AR 9's (The surrounds are gone but, I still have ideas of bringing them back to life.)
Glad I'm not the only one. I've got a Classe CA-300, a BAT VK-5i, Harmonic Retrieval System, two pairs of Harmonic Technology Truth Link XLR's, a pair of Pro-Silway Mk II XLR's, NHT AudioCenter 1, NHT 3.3's, Technics receiver...Whew! Didn't realized I had so much until I wrote it out. Two bad I don't have space for a second system.
Man, you guys are too much. I have one extra XLO 2a balanced cable, that's it. That's money sitting in your closets!! My system lists for about $25k but cost me less than $10k. Any money I can get for a spare anything, it's for sale, it's upgrade time. Sometimes I wish I had extra stuff laying around because sometimes there is a week or so in between items when I can't listen cause I'm missing a piece. I guess if I scale down I could afford extra parts. NNNNAAAAHHHH!!!!
I tend to roll over my old equipment for upgrades, but still have some oldies around, like and older HK EQ, some Nordost Blue heaven speaker wire, and an Acurus A250. I had a Rotel tuner that was in the closet for years, now that I upgraded to a seperate pre/pro and amps, I use it again...

Some of my eqipment dated back to college, and I just gave it away to friends as it was suffering some problems not worth fixing. They use them and are happy.

I find I'm always selling off my 'spare parts' to get better, different new ones! Besides, living in a condo, I don't have enough storage space for all the boxes for what I use!