Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?
rcprince, yure right - another 90 seconds' research told me that it was serpent power which wrote endless tunnel; the fleshtones yust covered it on their album entitled *angry years*

whfs in maryland, used to always play alice's restaurant on the turkey kill-fest, but since they sold out, i'm not sure if they still do. perhaps wrnr, whfs' spiritual successor, still does?

doug s.

Sedond, excellent, two points for you. I can't believe anyone ever did a cover of that song! Angela, as Kelly said, Alice's Restaurant is set at Thanksgiving (that's two years ago this Thanksgiving), so the stations picked it up. Back in high school, I actually at one time memorized that song, and can still play the guitar part. With WNEW-FM an all-talk station now, I don't know if there's a station here in NYC that plays it--maybe NPR?
Rcprince. The best radio station in NYC, is public radio from Fordham U., WFUV, 90.7. It is listener supported, public radio. A number of the djs from WNEW's best days, are working there now, although I prefered the station with lesser knowns. I am certain Vin Sclesa or Pete Fornatele will play Alice's Restaurant. You can hear the station on the web, as they have Streaming Audio, at It is definately worth a listen.