Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?
Hey Undertaker ! Great going! You got all four correct!
1) SRV and Double Trouble had actually set up an interview promo/play date to support their new album 'Texas Flood'. It was to be on a day that Bowie's tour was not playing. Bowie heard about it and forbade it. Bowie's band used to call him 'Her Royal Majesty'.

3) SRV was rightfully peeved when he saw the "Let's Dance" video which showed footage of Bowie 'playing' his solo.
I thought that might be the answer, but was afraid to hazard a guess. I seem to recall that John Anderson did that on his version of "When it Comes to You", the Dire Straits tune that Mark Knopfler played on for him on that album.
Sorry to get in late on this, however, if my memory serves me correctly John states on the "White" album's, "Glass Onion", that the Walrus was me! Thus meaning that "John" is the Walrus!
Ramsti-There is your +2/+2
Question: what were you doing when you first heard John Lennon had been murdered? I was lying in a hotel bed watching the 11 pm news with an old flame....and you??