Whatever happened to Enid?

Remember Enid Lumley? She used to write for TAS in the seventies and later for Peter Moncrieff. She was often thought crazy at that time for propagating technical ideas and tweaks which today are common knowlege. Does anybody know out there what happened to her and what she is doing today?
Bringing things up like this sometimes helps to figure out where someone is coming from and better understand their train of thought. Good to see that we're all looking at things from the same perspective. Even as "nuts" or "goofy" as we get, Enid DID go just a bit overboard on a few occasions. Then again and as was mentioned, i DO think that she and Moncrieff REALLY did help to motivate a lot of those in the industry to improve circuit designs and construction practices. Sean
Enid passed 7/15/08. You can read about it here: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSvcid=53745&GRid=28314103&
Tasteful but not much to get excited about. Air pudding. I hear some of the John Barleycorn sound but it's mostly the same stuff he's been doing for the last 25 years. Arc of a Diver was the last really good album made.
Thanks.The news makes me sad. All that was said about her here is true I think,(except for Kelly's tasteful remarks) but her passing is a loss. I at least will miss her. She was a remarkable person.