For You: THE most imprortant element...

of music reproduction?
No, seriously now, the most important element to me is that, be it live or reproduced, it touches my heart and soul and draws me into, not different to the posts above.
Aside from the obvious responses above (my ears, the music, emotional involvement...) the thing I need most from a system to be able to sit still and listen... is a very clean (prefer 'sweet') top end, and a clear midrange. Sonics with the high frequency shredded: I RUN away. That's my #1 priority.
For me I think it's TONE that is true to life, so that instruments and voices sound so real you are fooled, if only for a moment. If I have that, I can live without dynamics, imaging, soundstage, bass extension, etc., etc., at least for a while. On instruments with a lot of low-frequency content, however, true to life tone requires sufficient weight. Dan
I'm with Greg and Detlof--the most important thing to me in my system and the equipment I choose is to let the emotion of the performance and the music through. I'm willing to sacrifice some detail (but not a correct tonal balance) to get that.
I have to agree with Drubin- for me it is tonal purity. I guess to be totally honest with myself my perception of tonal purity is probably influenced by imaging, transparency and frequency extension, but they are all means to an end- losing myself in the texture of the sound.