For You: THE most imprortant element...

of music reproduction?
This is a real thought provoking thread; one that really makes you think about sound reproduction. We really do have a long way to go with sound reproduction, I mean really, we don't have 3D speakers which let you really hear the entire event, or for that matter, components that truly represent an actual event. We are fairly close, don't get me wrong, but we have a few years to go.

Certainly, we that are interested enough in this site and in sound reproduction strive for the best we can, through better components, tweaks, etc., and of course it's the music that really matters. I know that we all have better sound that you will at an amplified event. Yet, when you listen to a live trumpet, does it sound like that at your home? (Sorry, I'm a huge jazz fan). A trumpet "live" in a small jazz club hits you with an impact that is amazing. It is such a powerfully macro dynamic instrument, yet, so powerful in micro dynamics. Dynamics, micro and macro, along with a true 3 Dimensional soundstage, (with non phase anomalies encountered with current multi-channel), may be what takes us to the next level. These for me would help with the emotional impact of the music.

Things have come a long way, but oh, what the future may bring ...
Very good points. When I see live music, it is usually dynamics that I am most aware of as the thing that is missing from our home audio systems. I mean, it's not even close! I can understand the resurgence of interest in horn-based loudspeakers
I know what you mean, Drubin. I'm not hugely into horns, but there are atributes to each; horns, dynamic electrostatic speakers which, so far, positive attributes can't be combined. We have been at audio longer than we have space travel, yet we are still miles away. It's funny, if we audiophiles were granted three wishes from a genie, one would most likely be the knowledge to obtain "real life" sound in ours and others homes.

We have, since the 1970's, came a long way. Hopefully the next 30 years will bring as much as the past.
Music conveys emotion, some even say that it IS emotion. Draws you in & transforms you to 'another world' beyond the state of consciousness. You're physically still sitting on that sofa, but unconsciously you're a million miles away, or somewhere?