I normally don't ask for help, but.....

One of the members of my audio group just sent me the most distressing email I've ever received.
Gary is an Audiogon member. He and I met through correspondence over one of my postings nearly two years ago. I have come to know him quite well since then. He visited many times at my home for our Tuesday night music sessions. I had not seen him lately and found that his absence was due to his wife miscarrying their baby. I thought things could not be worse for Gary, until I received this second letter today.

My Name is Gary Hogman,

My wife Cindy is 32 years old and has just been diagnosed 3 days ago with
stage 4 cervical cancer and her chances for survival are very slim. She was
pregnant with our second child and had miscarried at 5 months and now we
know why.

This is a request for you to forward this email to everyone you know asking
for prayer. If you are religious or not. The more people that pray for her
to be healed the better. Company email distributions, friends, family,
people you don't even know. Please do it, your prayer will save her life.

Please pray and ask everyone you know to pray to their Lord, no matter what
religion for the HEALING of Cindy, removal of all cancer in her body so she
may enjoy all that life has to offer, and to continue to be the wonderful
mother to our 5 year old son Michael. The power of Prayer is unsurpassed.
I want the whole world to have her in their prayers the next
few weeks. God will hear our cry.

Please do not be offended by my plea. This is only a request for your help.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and helping with our
quest for healing, no words can express how much power we have when we do a
little extra to come together.

Regards, Cindy's in love husband.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Pefstratiou> I agree that good medicine is a necessity , however there are studies that indicate that those people who are prayed for recover from their illnesses more quickly than those who are not prayed for.
Thanks Albert for passing along this info. We too will pray for Gary & Cindy in their time of need. God bless.
BTW My mother in law had cancer and was given 6 months to live. That was 30 years ago. She spent the afternoon with us today. I too am a survivor of cancer.
You are indeed a friend Albert. And to Gary and Cindy both my wife Luzi Mari and I will both pray for them. I too agree in the power of prayer and faith and have seen its positive effects on too many occasions to dismiss it. God Bless you both. Sincerely Will
ALBERT: Simply the greatest post so far. This is great what you are doing. My family and I will remember Cindy, Gary and family in our prayers. Every little prayer helps. There is a reason we don't understand why right now, but GOD has a reason. I lost my dad at 11 and my mom to cancer when I was 22. So I know about sorrow. I didn't understand why my mom had to suffer and die from this dreadful disease at the time, but I do now. My mom suffered for 10-11 yrs. and still put GOD 1st in life. I found out later that she was a role model to many people including myself. You can't have any excuses after this type of example. Hand in there and GOD bless you for what you are doing and the family we are praying for.