I normally don't ask for help, but.....

One of the members of my audio group just sent me the most distressing email I've ever received.
Gary is an Audiogon member. He and I met through correspondence over one of my postings nearly two years ago. I have come to know him quite well since then. He visited many times at my home for our Tuesday night music sessions. I had not seen him lately and found that his absence was due to his wife miscarrying their baby. I thought things could not be worse for Gary, until I received this second letter today.

My Name is Gary Hogman,

My wife Cindy is 32 years old and has just been diagnosed 3 days ago with
stage 4 cervical cancer and her chances for survival are very slim. She was
pregnant with our second child and had miscarried at 5 months and now we
know why.

This is a request for you to forward this email to everyone you know asking
for prayer. If you are religious or not. The more people that pray for her
to be healed the better. Company email distributions, friends, family,
people you don't even know. Please do it, your prayer will save her life.

Please pray and ask everyone you know to pray to their Lord, no matter what
religion for the HEALING of Cindy, removal of all cancer in her body so she
may enjoy all that life has to offer, and to continue to be the wonderful
mother to our 5 year old son Michael. The power of Prayer is unsurpassed.
I want the whole world to have her in their prayers the next
few weeks. God will hear our cry.

Please do not be offended by my plea. This is only a request for your help.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and helping with our
quest for healing, no words can express how much power we have when we do a
little extra to come together.

Regards, Cindy's in love husband.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
I will lend whatever help my prayers add. Thank you for your kind and generous act here Albert. You are truly a blessing on our site.
Life is weird, nobody knows what it is. These aren't profound statements. To offer a little help. I work in a hospital laboratoy. Believe it or not, just today one individual who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer actually fought it off. We saw his lab results and apparently his body just got rid off it like it was a common cold. Every now and then you'll notice that the human body will decide to fight off a mole. Why that one and not the other moles is beyond me.
Another weird story at work. One coworker up there we were all upset with his laziness, it wasn't just me. He finally gets fired (for other reasons.) Anyway, a week later he gets a job as a security officer at the airport. Three months later he's promoted to supervisor of security (meanwhile the rest of us back at the other job who do it well aren't even due for our meager raises for six months.) A couple months after that he's now alternating work between Chicago and here in Missouri. I'm guessing it was like getting fired (normally not a good thing) led him to the perfect job: he probably sits in a control room most of the time looking at a bunch monitors where there's lots of quite time (where he's probably happier, making more money, and has a better resume now). I don't know how it applies to your specific situation other than, life kind of sorts things out in weird ways. I hope it didn't offend in any way.
Albert your friends can log to Website ClinicalTrials.gov and search for cervical cancer. There are several trials that recruit women with stage 4 disease. If you click on any of the trial name you get a list of the various hospitals that are involved so your friends can select a center near by. I hope this helps.