Stereophile's refusal to review more low

I have read countless letters to the editor pleading for more reviews of real world priced equipment. So far they have not responded in any meaningfull way. I wonder why they continue to run these letters if they are so focused on the mega buck stuff. What do you think ?
While I do think there is a bias towards reviewing the "cost no object" products of some manufacturers, I must admit that I do find reviews of lower priced gear as well. Perhaps they run these letters in an attempt to passify those of us who are not in a position to purchase the more costly gear. I doubt that the average subscriber of that publication has the financial muscle to buy much of it. I hold a subscription, and have reconsidered time and again whether I'll renew it or not for the very question you have asked. There is something fishy going on insofar as that I can't really put a finger on exactly why they continue in this way. One cool thing about the current state of affairs-
it allows those of us who are smart enough to wait until it appears on Audiogon in the form of "used gear at used prices" to get familiar with the expensive stuff until we can make educated buying decisions at a fraction of the original retail price!
It is fairly evident that Stereophile has little interest in supporting the audio industry as a whole and favors the large audio "conglomerates" who advertise heavily with them like Krell, Madrigal etc. These "conglomerates" tend to rely on the magazine for corroboration that their overpriced equipment is worth the price. High prices results in lots of advertising which results in favorable reviews which results in high sales. It now seems that Madrigal has a review in each issue! Yet, other stuff which has been generally recognized to be at the top of the list never gets reviewed by Stereophile. Ever notice how the cover page looks more and more like an ad for whatever is in the issue? They have just about lost all credibility. The only reason that I continue with my subscription is that they are one of the few (if only) which measures the equipment.
For budget end gear (under $1500 per piece) I find Hi-Fi Choice very good. Very detailed and well thought out reviews.