Stereophile's refusal to review more low

I have read countless letters to the editor pleading for more reviews of real world priced equipment. So far they have not responded in any meaningfull way. I wonder why they continue to run these letters if they are so focused on the mega buck stuff. What do you think ?
Just a thought but.... What if they only review products from mfgrs. that have the bucks to advertise with them. So what? Are you sure you want to buy from a company who does not have enough cash to afford this. How will this company survive a downturn in the market? Will you be left with no service when they go bankrupt? Or if they review it, give it an A+ rate, will they even be able to keep up with the orders generated while maintaining quality?
I was discussing this with my wife last night (who once published her own food magazine) and do the mags now carry advertisements for things other than audio/vidio? And, if not, why not? I mean do they have liquor ads and the like? I may stop by a newstand and take a look today as I have not looked at the mags for such a long time. It seems to me that this would be a good thing (having such ads) and I assume that the sales volume is enough to attract them.
No money, if no-one purchased from companies short of advertising cash, such companies would never reach the point of solvency (advertising or other) of ML, Krell, Linn, B&W, etc. So, any new Co with little seed capital is doomed to go belly under for lack of sales...

If on the other hand they get a sales boost, it would compromise on quality!

While I don't know about the latter, I disagree about the former: many present-day robust manufacturers started out in a proverbial garage... and *have* cash (advert or otherwise) today.

Granted, not all inherited a precision engineering operation in Scotland -- but surely there's hope!

Dekay, on your last point, the high end rags have only convinced BMW, at this point, to advertise in their mags. Interestingly, I recall some people actually complaining about the car ads in the letters! Guess they don't know what pays the bills. I'm surprised that more of the manufacturers of other "high-end" products haven't done this; we might be their target group.
Thanks Rcprince: I did not make it to the newstand (I hit the Valley thrift stores instead and had a Tommy Burger) while waiting for my wife. Found a Sheffield CD "Steps" by Pat Coil for a buck. I guess that's where my priorities were today (good cheap music and a greasy chili burger that I will be tasting for days:-).