Best and Worst Product Names

I was reading a current post regarding power cords and it struck me that some of the product names were rather silly sounding. Am I really supposed to take seriously a product named "Voodoo Mana"? Granted, there is a certain cleverness to naming a cable, the EEL, but what's up with the BIRTH? Maybe manufacturers, like rock groups, are running out of good names? What are the best, or worst product names you've come across?

My vote for best name goes to Martin-Logan for calling the replacement to the Quest the Request. Also kudos to AHT for their Non-Signature Phono Stage. Thumbs down the Jeff Rowland for using the same name (Coherence) for two different products. Very confusing.
Camelot is my favorite brand name, lots of cool model names (especially the roundtable).

Worst names definitely goes to MIT. It is nearly impossible to tell what is what for used MIT's.
Onhwy 61, I've suggested to Martin Logan they make a smaller version of their Statement speaker system and call it the Understatement. Back on thread, I agree with you on Rowland, I could never keep their Consummate and Consonance straight, and then another Coherence comes along. Among my favorites are the Duntech speaker line, what with all the ruling royalty involved.
The cable manufacturer that uses (or used) such names as "Midnight", "Hunter" and on and on. The names were so confusing to me (expecially researching discontinued cables) that I went with Kimber Kable instead.