Best and Worst Product Names

I was reading a current post regarding power cords and it struck me that some of the product names were rather silly sounding. Am I really supposed to take seriously a product named "Voodoo Mana"? Granted, there is a certain cleverness to naming a cable, the EEL, but what's up with the BIRTH? Maybe manufacturers, like rock groups, are running out of good names? What are the best, or worst product names you've come across?

My vote for best name goes to Martin-Logan for calling the replacement to the Quest the Request. Also kudos to AHT for their Non-Signature Phono Stage. Thumbs down the Jeff Rowland for using the same name (Coherence) for two different products. Very confusing.
Even though I have great interest in a better digital
format, I dislike both of the current high-rez format
names..... DVD-Audio and SACD....anyone come up with a
nickname for either of these yet? would you pronounce
SACD as a word anyway?
As a follow-up,..I am a big Henry Kloss fan, even lost money
with him on the VideoBeam. As the story goes, in Mass. a
start-up company without a known name is called an "advent"
company,....story goes than Henry liked the name and Advent
was born.
Worst name : I.M. Fried speakers. (guy's initials were I.M. & Fried is pronounced 'freed'). He put 'I.M. Fried' on a fairly large brass place on each speaker's pedestal. Guess it would go well with a lava lamp.

Best name : 'The buffy kit'. This is Jena Labs rewire kit which replaces the stock Vampire wire in Atma-Sphere amplifiers. (jtinn gets credit for telling me about this one)
A little of the topic, but I found Jadis and Avantgarde rather amusing names for manufacturers who both make horn speakers. Both names/words are french but Jadis crudely translates "of old, Once" and avantgarde means essentially "ultra modern, at the forefront".
I will add that Rosinate Dark Matter is about as cool a name as any for vibration control. Its just mysterious sounding

"The Infinity Epsilon designed by Cary Christy" I always thought was classy.

Whatjd is right, any new digital format is bound to have a stupid name, because it will be nothing more than letters with at least one "D."

And Wilson Audio completely sucks with all there names.