Sellers that don't respond

What bothers you more than sellers that don't respond to
your e-mails in a timely fashion? Nothing! A first-time
seller has had 5 items listed for 14 days, and hasn't
responded to any of my e-mails. Why bother listing items
if you're going to ignore any interested parties? Oh well,
I guess that's a pretty good indication of what kind of service you'll get if you actually buy something from this
guy! For the most part, 'Gon sellers respond right away,
and I have yet to have a bad transaction. That's why we have feedback, right?
Hi Dave; I understand and agree with your frustration as I've had that happen to me too. After 3-4 days though, I just give up and write it off. Could this person have sold his stuff that quickly and then forgot about the ads? If so very rude. But with 5 items that's unlikely. You never know about people's lives in cyberspace, maybe he died or went on vacation. Yeah, I know I'm rambling, but short of hearing from him there is no explanation. Good Luck. Craig
I totally agree with Craig. Blow it off! If the guy is not responsive when he is selling something, how do you think he is going to be when it comes to delivery?

Do not waste your time.
After sending nmerous eails,I have had late resposes saying that the seller was "overwhelmed" with requests, ad could not respond to all the emails. That's nonsense. Even if you have 25 responses to an ad, how long does it take to type, "soory sold, thanks for your inquiry", copy it and hit reply on your email program, 10 minutes? Even if you send 3 at a time over a day or two, it only takes less than a minute each time. Well, let's hope that what goes around, comes around.