Sellers that don't respond

What bothers you more than sellers that don't respond to
your e-mails in a timely fashion? Nothing! A first-time
seller has had 5 items listed for 14 days, and hasn't
responded to any of my e-mails. Why bother listing items
if you're going to ignore any interested parties? Oh well,
I guess that's a pretty good indication of what kind of service you'll get if you actually buy something from this
guy! For the most part, 'Gon sellers respond right away,
and I have yet to have a bad transaction. That's why we have feedback, right?
After sending nmerous eails,I have had late resposes saying that the seller was "overwhelmed" with requests, ad could not respond to all the emails. That's nonsense. Even if you have 25 responses to an ad, how long does it take to type, "soory sold, thanks for your inquiry", copy it and hit reply on your email program, 10 minutes? Even if you send 3 at a time over a day or two, it only takes less than a minute each time. Well, let's hope that what goes around, comes around.
Same thing can be said on buyers that don't respond after inquiring. I've had a lot of emails that ask if you would sell at a certain price then you agree and you don't hear from them again.Just my two cents.
I had a seller who agreed to sell me his amp stand. Then he didn't respond to my emails for over two weeks. When he did he asked me if I was still interested. He indicated to me that he had to go on an emergency vacation and couldn't email me before he left. That's right, he said, an emergency vacation. That's chutzpah for ya! Anyway, I was lucky to find the same amp stand "brand new" for $25 more than he was asking.
Many people have not learned their table manners, and anonymity only increases this practice. Or, they were socialized in a culture where a different set of negotiating norms was accepted. For example, there are some people who believe that a deal can always be re-negotiated even though the cash and product are in transit. In your circumstance, give them a negative, "Never respond" on their feedback. That is the only deterrence available here. Actually, I like a guy who begins with bad communication because it tips me off at the beginning as to how he will most probably behave as the deal progresses past acceptances. Over the years I've learned that its a gift when you can peg these guys early. So, look on the bright side: just one more bad deal you avoided.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way!
Thanks for your responses.