HSU Ventriloquist for Bedroom HT and Music

There is a lot of info and compliments in other threads on the value of HSU subwoofers but only a couple of comments on their "Ventriloquist" package.

It seems that they offer a particularly good deal on these HT surround speakers when purchased with one of their subwoofers.

Although I hoped to use Magnepan front, rear and surround speakers, the HSU ventriloquists are considerably cheaper and very small - do I dare say conveniently Bose like? - in size.

(Obviously, I am hoping they don't sound like Bose!)

Has anyone tried them?
Any comments on sound for HT?

Although I can't imagine they would sound as good as the Maggies with really good amps etc, is it possible that, in the end, they would sound better with my HT receiver and better integrated with the HSU subwoofer?

If they are worthwhile, where is the best place to mount these little cubes?

Thank you.
I think it was Sound and Vision in the last month or 2 that had them reviewed against the maggs, and another maker I cant recall, but it got high marks for the budget. I think there was an issue of moving them a bit farther away from the wall but all in all good review. The Maggies in their own words were a completely diffrent animal.
Hmm. Dr Hsu audtioned these for me himself at CES 2005. He is a respectable and pleasant man and his company is trustworthy as well.

However, I was completely unimpressed by the Ventroloquist speaker system; the sub was just fine however.
maybe I am partial having his sub, the review was psitive though, and he is famous for great customer service

chadnliz, I am sure you have heard that high end wags call Sound and Vision "Deaf and Blind"?

Once in a while, I take a quick peek at Sensible Sound on the newstand. As it is not glossy, and tweaky and enthusiastic in its tone, I tend to trust their reviews a bit more than the mass magazines.

They raved about the system, even when demoing multi channel, high res MUSIC.

But hey, I guess controversy is what makes the high end interesting!

In any case, for $498.00 complete it is tempting to give it a try.....