VAC Sigma 160i MM phono stage question

I recently purchased a Sigma 160i (not yet delivered) with the MM phono stage and am interested in hearing opinions on its performance. I have an MC cartridge and I'm planning to use it with an external Hashimoto H7 based SUT.

I'm currently using a Manley Chinook so I'll definitely be doing some A/B listening but was hoping someone could give me some feedback on their experience with the quality of the Sigma's integrated phono stage.

Yes, neither of those cartridges would work without a SUT in the VAC. That ZYX 4D is a great cartridge, I owned one a while back.

I'm not surprised at all to hear that the on-board phono in the VAC beat the Chinook. As I said earlier, it is a very nice phono stage. Now you need one less box, cables and power cord!!! Enjoy the music!
Thanks John and yes, the ZYX 4D is awesome. My room is looking pretty sparse which is fine by me.

I know I should just sit back and relax but I have to ask, is the SE upgrade worth the money and effort? Hard to imagine things getting much better but I always say that. Nature of the obsession... uh I mean hobby.
No doubt there is a lot of OCD in this hobby, which the industry feeds off of.

Whether the upgrade is worth it or not will vary depending on who you talk to. Those that can afford the 160iSE is will say that it is worth every penny. While those who are already stretched to buy the base 160i will say that the funds would be better off spent elsewhere.

I have the 160i, and I can't envision upgrading to the SE version anytime in the foreseeable future. I'm looking at upgrades at speakers and sources, but the 160i is it for me as far as electronics goes for a while.

Now maybe in 2016 I'll have a different view, but at this moment I'm saying it's not worth it to me. As always, YMMV.