Bryston 28bsst2 worthy upgrade from a krell fpb70?

I am using a magnepan mg 20.7, i was wondering if the bryston 28bsst2 is in the same league or better than my older krell fpb700? The krell is already 11 years old and am thinking of moving on to something new. Btw preamp is a jadis jps2

Thanks in advance
Dasign, also, I have here new in the box, the furutech GTX wall frame and cover plate for the krell, I am going to waite for full burn-in of the two Rhodium's before I install the wall frame and cover plate, I want to listen for so called improvement's of the frame and cover plate, if I hear a good discernable difference when I do the install, well then, I will buy another frame and cover plate for the digital, do you have the frame's and cover plate's?, if so, please give some feed back on these.

Wow! You bought really good stuff with the GTX-D R. I purchased 2 FP-15A R version for my wallplate and used the regular plastic cover plate. I looked at the GTX-D (R) but it was double the price of the FP. Remember I need 2 of them with the monoblocks. I am happy to hear that the GTX work great for you. Would like to hear more from you on the GTX wallplate, which can also be installed on any Furutech receptacle. Might be interested in trying these also if they work out for you. When putting quality AC voltage or AC accesories improving AC line quality in front of the Krells, they will let you know :-)

Did not know that the SR red fuses had any polarity. Will try this when I have a minute.
Hi Dasign, The furutech wall frame's and matching cover plate is more exspensive than any Furutech wpo!, A whoping $265.00 for the set-up, now you may understand as to why I said I was going to fully burn-in the wpo's before I do the install of the frame and cover plate, I want to hear exactly what the frame and cover plate do before I make the decision to buy another set-up, Dasign, I would call SR company and get full diclosure of advise on the red's install like I did, they can explain the same as I did, but a phone call is better than email or posting, yes, I will make sure I give you full feed back on the frame and cover plate, this will be quite awhile, these wpo's take a very long time to burn-in, I have been told 500 to 700 hrs, ouch!, BTW, The GTX-D R is worth every penny that you pay for them and much more, I am telling you, synergy match for the krell's, reply when you can, cheers.
Guys i am not from the US, im from a jungle in asia, hahaha, so modding my krell would be close to impossible, i do know the older service tech doing repairs here for krell in our country, i am not sure how many caps needs to be replaced for full recapping though, and the approx cost of the parts and the amount of labor to be done.

Before i have owned bryston 4bsst2 driving mg 1.7, when i bought the used fpb700 and compared it with the 4bsst2, the krell was a lot better then, warmer, relaxed and more musical, but was thinking this is the smaller brystons and thought maybe the 28bsst2 would be a lot better than the 4Bsst2.

If i can find a jeff rowland 8tihc here in our country i would also be interested, i do know the dealer have sold i think 3 units here back in the 90's, maybe i should hunt the owners down and make an offer? Thought the rowlands might also mate well witht he jadis pre...
Hi Lecram,

I had my 2 FPB 350 MCX recapped for $750/amp if I recall correctly. I've opened up the Krells a few times and I would only give that job to Krell factory and nobody else. There is a lot of boards to be taken apart and once caps are replaced, there is probably a few DC bias adjustments to be done. If the tech you know did local Krell repairs, you migth want to contact him to see what is exactly involved.

So if the 4 BssT2 did not sound as good as your Krell FPB 700, I would like to think that the 28 Bsst2 would best the 4 Bsst2, but by how much? Would also think that the Bryston house sound would also be kept in the 28 Bsst2...Would the 28 Bsst2 be better than your Krell? That is the question...