Best Preamp for me

Need advice on a Preamp for my system? (price range open to $7,500 max do not need phone stage)
B@W Matrixs 800 speakers
Mark Levinson amp 335
Esoteric KO3x
Transparent cables
PSAudio P10
Listen to all music from rock to folk to classical
Thanks pete
Look at the Shindo preamps
Very beautiful sounding
Fast and dynamic
The Auriges line stage would be in your price range
Hey Pete, I would look at one of the Ayre preamps they are solid state and always get high praise, (5 or 7 series). Also, If I were you I would highly consider added a Tubed based preamp because that Esoteric can sound really hard to listen too at high volume for a long session, IMO. Preamps from Manley Labs, Modwright Instruments, McIntosh can inject a certain organic liquidity, with such rise and decay and PRAT too! that you cant get from a solid state. The preamp is THE component that makes the most difference in the way your system sounds, and you can pull your hair out and go crazy trying to find that magical combo (but when you do its goose bump city). EXPECT to go through at least 3 or 4 of them before you find the one you like the best. It is a very important piece to get right..take your time. It took me at least a year of listening and trying different ones.
Thanks for the info-Will look at Ayre;s and give a tube Mcintosh a look also. Is their a Macintosh you like?
Thanks again