Best Preamp under 10K

Okay how about voting for best preamp under 10K. Its a tough call between the Levinson, Krell,Rowland, AR, CAT and numerous others, but I think I must go with the Levinson 380S. What do you think?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xhifimatt
Get some modern design tubes going. Space....liquidity.....full imagery... not cardboard cut-outs. My vote is a very obscure Encore Electronics DL2010.2 Can be found occasionally!!! for $1300 used. Killer!!! If you can't afford a Cat, this is it.
Listen to Lamm L1. Then compare it to the best Mark Levinson, Krell, Audio Research, etc. including the CAT. I promise you will be amazed how much better Lamm is.
The Jeff Rowland Concentra Integrated Amplifier is very good. After months of listening, I ordered the Rowland Concentra for its great sound and all in one package. The key is to listen to your favorite CD's and pick the one that sounds the best. Good luck..