Vintage Marantz

Are there not any Vintage Marantz fans on this page? I personaly own a couple of Marantz Esotec ma-5 monoamps and a esotec sc-6 preamp, and i think they sound great(better than most new equipment). Want to here from other Esotec or vintage Marantz owners.
I have a pair of Marantz One preamps, possibly the most desireable of the old Marantz tube gear. I would probably sell them if the price was right as I think they ought to be use. They are not mint, but they are quite good. Joe
I own a pair of original Marantz 9's that have served me extraorinarily well for over 20 years. They are no longer original because key resistors and capacitors have been updated, the power supply has been modified and the input filters and volume control bypassed (with significant improvement to the sound quality), but the original circuit is otherwise unchanged. I listen almost exclusively to acoustic music, and these amps have a truthfulness to the overall timbre of instruments, and a magic to the recreation of harmonic overtones, that have kept me with them over the years. Only in the past month have they finally been replaced in my system with a pair of Atma-Sphere amps.
Phild, i do not want to modify them for the "collectability" issue. Should i decide to keep them, i will do as Rushton has done and go through them piece by piece. At this point in time, i think that they'll be gone in less than a week or two judging by how much my "buddy" is harrassing me for them. Sean
I live in the uk and wish to purchase the following items
Marantz SC6 Esotec Pre Amp
Marantz MA5 Esotec monoblock Power Amplifiers (2)

Can anybody help ?
I have a Marantz PM 15 integrated amplifier -- the original 1993 model. I believe this was the top integrated made by Marantz. I am delighted with it and would probably only part with it for a VAC integrated amplifier.