Can you help or do I have to get divorced?

Size and Placement does matter do to a misunderstood wife. I can't have speakers on stands, I can't have floorstanding speakers, and in-wall speakers are too permanent. What in the hell am I suppost to do? My room is 17' X 14' and I'm looking for speakers that will be used for music listening and eventually home theater listening. (when I can afford to complete the system). I want to find a good pair of speakers and amp that I can eventually build a good home theater system with. I need to stay below $1,000 for speakers. Any advice?
I'm currently researching some smaller monitor speakers with either a front port or no port at all. My biggest problem is that there aren't many audio dealers in my area other than Best Buy or Circuit City and they have mostly crap. I don't have an opportunity to listen to a lot of the speakers that are highly recommended. Any suggestions?
Get some headphones and don't let your spouse use them! Two can play that bitchy game thing. Good luck.
In situations like this I lead the woman over to the washer and dryer and say, "Honey, can we get rid of these horrible, big, ugly, expensive, white metal boxes?.....They not only use lots electricity and water, they SOUND bad."

Then go to the living room and gesture toward the "good" wall,

"Now if there were small wooden boxes over there, not nearly so big, not any more expensive, and made of beautifully finished wood instead of ugly white steel, PLUS SOUND GREAT, wouldn't that be a better investment?"

If she says clean clothes are a necessity, you remind her there is such a thing as a washeteria.

If she says the washeteria is inconvenient, you remind her that in the current situation, listening to music is inconvenient.

Both parties are entitled to a home filled with whatever "appliances" necessary to make life worthwhile.

If your in a really good mood, go for BOTH the washer and dryer AND the stereo speakers!