Can you help or do I have to get divorced?

Size and Placement does matter do to a misunderstood wife. I can't have speakers on stands, I can't have floorstanding speakers, and in-wall speakers are too permanent. What in the hell am I suppost to do? My room is 17' X 14' and I'm looking for speakers that will be used for music listening and eventually home theater listening. (when I can afford to complete the system). I want to find a good pair of speakers and amp that I can eventually build a good home theater system with. I need to stay below $1,000 for speakers. Any advice?
This thread is very sad! This is like going on "The Man Show" and asking Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel.

I am with Asa on this one. Who wears the pants in the family, you or her??? I'm not trying to tell you what to do and so forth. All I am making here is a suggestion. And that suggestion would be to go ahead and divorce the wifey and then get yourself a girlfriend who is as much into audio equipment and music as you are. If you do that, believe brother........... you won't be sorry.

Hang tough man, you'll be alright.

as an alternative to micro-monitors, there are some very attractive floorstanders that would probably pass your WAF test, e.g. viennas, verity audio, and especially avalons (sue me, i'm biased.)

Tommyt, you have to draw a line in the sand. You said it yourself, you're trying to be to nice. When you give in on this issue, there will be another that you will need to cave in on next. Women are like children, always testing boundaries. Whether the woman or the man rules the roost, is up to the participants.
I'm not a marriage counselor, obviously, but if I were a real audiophile (which I am) and my wife told me no speaker stands or floorstanding models, I'd have to stuff her port.
I gave up drugs, alcohol, smoking, and sex for my wife, I'll be d@mned if I give up the only thing I have left that gives me pleasure.
My recommendation would be divorce, cut your losses before they get bigger. Hopefully there are no children involved yet.