Can you help or do I have to get divorced?

Size and Placement does matter do to a misunderstood wife. I can't have speakers on stands, I can't have floorstanding speakers, and in-wall speakers are too permanent. What in the hell am I suppost to do? My room is 17' X 14' and I'm looking for speakers that will be used for music listening and eventually home theater listening. (when I can afford to complete the system). I want to find a good pair of speakers and amp that I can eventually build a good home theater system with. I need to stay below $1,000 for speakers. Any advice?
As in many things, it's all in the presentation. You need to resort to the old bait and switch, my boy! Show her photos (and price tag) for a set of Avant Garde Trios. Then, with that "threat" still hanging in the air, propose a pair of ... oh, say, ProAc 1's. (Or insert your favorite monitor with high quality wood finish detail here.) They'll seem downright reasonable by comparison. Heck, she'll probably fall all over herself helping you buy them. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket ...

LEGAL CAUTION: The above advice is offered for entertainment value only and should not be relied upon. Should your significant other not react as predicteed and instead brain you with one of your fairway woods, it's not my fault. Really. Some restrictions apply. Past returns are not guarantees of future results. Your mileage may vary.

Happy Listening.
This hobby seems to be a problem with some married guys.

Would it be better if he came home late, smelling like smoke, beer or women's perfume instead of buying a lousy set of speakers for the living room ??

"Let the poor guy be his happy self for God's sake" (my wife's quote after reading this thread)

I told her before we got married this is my hobby, love me or leave me, we're still married.

Jmcgrogan2, I like your analogy, you'd make a good counselor !!
The speakers do not have to be out from the wall all the time do they? I imagine this would only apply during those times when you are in your 'happy hour' and doing critical listening. Would she be happy if you left the speakers against the walls most of the time but just pulled them out when you wanted to enjoy them at their best? If she is not happy with that compromise, then maybe the problem is bigger than the speaker issue.

Also for the cut-up who recommended - just for the heck of it I tried that site and it automatically re-directs you to a site that features pictures of nude teenage girls. Actually kind of sad.
Baddabob, that was the solution I had in my first apartment after getting married. The speakers sat close to the rack against a side wall where they were fine as background music, but I could rearrange the room in two minutes and have great sound. It's a simple solution that easily satisfies both parties involved-- The room is arranged the way she wants it, and I get the music in the room I want it in.