Klipsch love them or hate them.

My best friend drives me crazy.Every time we get into a discussion about audio,he tells me how great klipsch speakers are.I think they are the worst speakers.What do you think!
Definately 2 different camps on this one! Personally, I find they irritate my ears, literally I find that my ears sort of itch internally after listening to them. Other speakers rate frequency response +/- 3db, Klipch (at least used to) rate their speakers +/- 1.5 db. They have no where near a flat response. Like all things in audio, there are comprimises. Where they give back is in effiency and dynamics. I have a SET amp and frequent such web sites where there are a lot of Klipsch fans. The fact that some of their older speakers are still going strong supports the fact that they are well made. Personally, I do not think I will ever own a pair. I am leaning towards a DYI/Fostex based speakers next time around.
The trick with the Klipsch's I'm referencing (SB2's) is TUBE GEAR!!!...yes, unforgiving solid state makes them too foreward and in your face for comfort if not careful. Balance is the key, and a properly mated tube amp does the trick!
Keep in mind, when considering HT speaker applications, MORE PRESSENCE is better than laid back standard audiophile speaker sound for involvment!
I used to have Thiel 1.5's, which were superb little music speakers. Even as a speaker that was a bit foreward in the mid-trebble, they were too laid back for "thrilling" HT dubties, and just sounded a bit uninvolving, if pretty sounding. That is one of my complaints with most high end speaker designs being SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to sound laid back through out the midrange! This complaint has been made by more than a few Stereophile reviewers over the years, including J. Gordon Holt. If you do chose a speaker like this for HT dubties, besides other factors in design, the results isn't often as good as whata dedicated HT or a good horn speaker can do for a movie soundtrack, done properly.
I think this is part of the reason a lot of guy's use separate rigs for their 2 channel vs. 5 channel set up's. They often want their music pressented differently than their movies!
foreverhifi2000....so you are hoping that Klipsch will produce an uncolored, unrefined sounding speaker. I hate to burst your bubble, but you have been selling them for years and you didn't know it. The Klipschorn and it's Heritage cousins are what you are looking for. Most audiophiles don't know what they are missing, because they have never heard Khorns used with the best components in an ideal listening room. Khorns can be the worst sounding speakers or the best sounding speakers in the world. It all depends on what you use to drive them. Personally I am using Mark Levinson equipment to drive the Khorns in a specially treated room using the ASC Iso Wall System. You will get out of the Khorns exactly what you put into them.
i am not necessarily a klipsch lover, although the reference series is the exclusive speaker in both my ht and 2 channel setups. likewise i have klipsch 4.1 for my computer and sa-2's for my outdoor setup. i have a ton of klipsch speakers, however i have them for 2 reasons. first and foremost they sound awesome to me. maybe not everyone, but me and that is what matters most. i like it loud, clear, and nasty. my klipsch getup is powered by acurus for ht and outdoor. jolida does the honors for 2 ch. i am sure it sounds abrasive to others, but they don't listen to my stuff as much as i do. the second reason i have klipsch in every room in my house is because the efficiency is unequaled. you simply don't have to power these speakers with uranium. the horns are awesome and the bass is fast. i know it's not hi fi, but i'm gonna stick in low to mid fi for my speakers.
I recall a Klipsch ad from 1987. It was for the Heresy II. In short, the ad showed a picture of the Heresy II with the grill off, so you could get a good view of the midrange and tweeter horns. It went on to talk about how most other speaker manufacturers didn't use horns and if you took a look at them, most of their drivers looked pretty much the same and as a result, most gave the same kind of sound. It then stated how Klipsch didn't use "coventional" drivers like the "other guys." Rather, they used compression drivers mated to horns and they're about the only people who did. Consequently, they afforded the buyer a distinct DIFFERENCE...a difference he could literally HEAR. Klipsch heritage products have always been super-sensitive (97dBs with just one watt @ 1 meter for the Heresy IIs; 104 dBs with just 1 watt @ 1 meter for the Khorns & La Scalas). Most other speakers just can't even come CLOSE to that kind of efficiency! The thing to remember about Klipsch is that they sound DIFFERENT compared to other speakers due to design - they're *supposed* to sound DIFFERENT for God's sake! Now, whether or not somebody likes the Klipsch "sound" is a personal issue. Down through the years, many, many people have liked the sound put out by their "heritage" products, as they've now become known. I own a pair of Heresy IIs and a pair of La Scalas and people are always blown away by how clean, loud, and "in-your-face" they sound. And when I show them I'm running them with an old 70s-era Harman Kardon 430 solid-state reciever with just 25 wpc they simply shake their heads and generally mutter something to the effect that they just can't believe it. I've heard the newer Klipsch offerings (the RF-7s in particular) and at 102 dBs with 1 watt, they are very efficient indeed. However, they don't have the traditional (read: heritage) Klipsch sound that made me buy my Heresy IIs and La Scalas years ago so therefore I don't really care for them regardless of their sensitivity. My fear is that Klipsch is bowing to those who want a more colorless and thus less Klipsch-like loudspeaker. I guess it's all subjective again, but Klipsch have always sounded different then other speakers and I hope Klipsch doesn't "sell-out" and in effect emasculate, or tame the distinct Klipsch sound that made the company so famous in order to make more bucks. The day Klipsch stops making their Heritage line is the day, to me, when I'll consider the company dead. This unfortunately might be closer then even I want to admit when I ask myself this simple question: Why can't I find any of the Heritage line on display for audition in audio stores any more?